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A. Pardoy
A.K. Dewdney
Aaron Podolefsky/Brown
Abraham Pais
Addison-Westley Addison-Westley
Adrian Berry
Al Gore
al seckel
Alan Dean Foster
alan grafen / ridley
Alan Herscovici
Alan L. Mackay
Alan Lightman (ED)
Alan McHughen
alan moorehead
Alan Watts
Alan Weisman
alan/jean sokal/bricmont
Albert / Leopold Einstein / Infeld
Albert Einstein
Albert-Laszló Barabási
Alex Boese
Alex Shoumatoff
Alexander Kohn
Alfred J. Moses
Alfred Korzybski
Allan Savory
allan savoy
alun anderson
amir d. acel
Amir D. Aczel
Amrk Buchanan
Andrew Nikiforuk
Andrew Pickering
Andrew Weaver
andrew/michael spielman/d'antonio
Anita Gordon/Suzuki
Anita Roddick
anita/david gordonsuzuki
Ann McElroy
anne rooney
Anthony Peake
Arhtur Koestler
Art Bell
arthur C. Clarke
Arthur Kleinman
Athony Dorcey
Audobon Audobon
barbara k./rice rodes/odell
Barnes Saunders
barron's barron's
Barry Shell
Bart Kosko
bc geographical series bc geographical series
Beil Bone
Ben Bova
Benjamin A. Watson
Benjamin Farrington
Benjamin M. Shaub
Bennett Alan Weinberg
Benoit B. Mandelbrot
Bernard Jensen
Bikul Das
Bill McGuire
Bill McKibben
Bill Nye
bill yenne
bio diversity bio diversity
Blank Blank
Bob McDonald
Boyer Merzbach
Brett McGillivray
Brewster Kneen
Brian Clegg
Brian Cox
Brian Fagan
brian green
Brian Greene
Brian M. Fagan
Brian P. Kooyman
bruce cathie
Bruce Greenville
Bryan P. Beirne
Bryan Sykes
C.J. Peters
c.l. Warhammer/werner
Candace Savage
Carey Gillam
Carl Berger
Carl Johan Calleman
carl mehling
Carl Posey
Carl Sagan
Carl Zimmer
Carlos I. Calle
Carnagie Library of Pittsburgh Carnagie Library of Pittsburgh
carnegie library of pittsburgh carnegie library of pittsburgh
Carol Lane Fenton
Carole Stott
carolyn abraham
Carrie Saxifrage
caspar henserson
Charles Caes
Charles Cazeau
charles darwin
Charles Darwn
Charles Dickens
Charles H.V. Ebert
Charles Sheffield
Charles Wohlforth
charles/james d. (editior) darwin/watson (editior)
chartrand/wimmer chartrand/wimmer
Chet Raymo
chris hatfield
Chris jones
Chris Pellant
Chris Turner
chrisopher potter
chrisopher/ross essex/mckitrick
Christian De Duve
christian drapeau
Christopher De Pree
christopher plant
Clark Claise
Clifford A. Pickover
clyde m. christensen
Colin Bruce
colin renfrew paul bahn
CRC Press CRC Press
Croall/Kaianders Croall/Kaianders
Curt Suplee
d.h mcIntosh /thom
dan falh
Dan Falk
Dan Gardner
Dan Riskin
daniel blair stewart
Daniel C. Dennett
daniel dennett
daniel j. levitin
daniel/paul mcneill/freiberger
Daryl W Fedje
david Albert
David Berlinski
David Bodanis
David Bohm
David Brower
David Burnie
David C. Cassidy
David Darling
David Feldman
David Foster Wallace
David H. Levy
david hatcher (ed) childress (ed)
David House
David J. Eicher
David J. Linden
david l. felten
David Lambert
david levy
David McMahon
David Norman
David P. Barash
David Quammen
David R. Lageson
David Rorvik
David Suzuki
david suzuki/dressel
David Whitehouse
david/wayne suzuki/grady
Dennis Flanagan
Dennis Overbye
Department Of National Health And Welfare Department Of National Health And Welfare
Derrick Jensen
Des Kennedy
Dewitt Steele
Diana Beresford-Kroeger
Dianne Patterson
Dinsmore Alter
Dinyar Godrej
DK eyewitness DK eyewitness
Don Gayton
don Menzel/Pasachoff
Donald C. Johnson
Donald Goldsmith
donald h. menzel
Donald Johanson
Donald Perry
Dougal Dixon
Dr. Brothwell
dr.brian o'leary
Dr.Larry Farwell
Dr.Michael Benton
Dr.Thomas Christie
E.C. Pielou
E.I. Parkhomenko
e.n. da c andrade
Edward O. Wilson
Edward Wilson
einstein einstein
Elaine Dewar
Elizabeth Kolbert
Elizabeth Rogers
Ellen Meloy
Eric A. Davidson
Eric Fein
Eric Flaum
Eric Lerner
Eric R. Kandel
Eric S. Grace
Erich Hoyt
Erik Larson
Ernest Braun
ervin laszlo
evalyn gates
Eyewitness Books Eyewitness Books
firefly firefly
firefly guide firefly guide
Francis Darwin
Francis Halle
Frank Amthor
Frank Close
Frank Drake/Sobel
Frank George
Frank Land
Frank Lane
Frank Ryan
Frank W. Eddy
Franklin Russell
Frans DE Waal
Fred Alan Wolf
frederick b essig
Freeman Dyson
Fritjof Capra
fritjof capra capra
G. dury
Gabriele Vanin
Gabrielle Camille Flammarion
Gavin Weightman
Gavin/Joshua Schmidt/Wolfe
george B. Dyson
George Gamow
George Greenstein
george h.m. lawrence
George Johnson
George Klein
George letchworth English/Jensen
george marshall
George Pendle
George Trinkaus
Georges Ifrah
Georges Lakhovsky
Gerald L. Schroeder
Giles Sparrow
Gina Kolata
Glen Vecchione
Glynn Isaac
Goerge Johnson
Golden Golden
Gordon Coleman/Dewar
gordon fraser
graeme donald
Graeme Gibson
Grahame Clark
Guiness Guiness
h.a. rey
H.G.Q. Rowett
H.J. Press
Halka Chronic
Hampton Sides
Hannah Holmes
Hans Jenny
Hans Jenssen
Hans Kronberger
Harold J. Morowitz
Harold Klawans
Harry Black
Harry F. Davis
Harry Fuller/Ritchie
Harry Stine
Heather Couper
Heinz R. Pagels
Henri-paul Eydoux
Henry Petroski
Hereward Carrington
heydar/peter radjavi/rossenthal
Hil Reimer
Hilary Rose ed.
holmes boynton
hooley mcLaughlin
hornberger & others hornberger & others
howard b. bluestein
Howard Bloom
Howard Schneider
Hugh Ross
Hytham Khalil
I.Bernard Cohen
Ian Ayres
Ian Crofton
Ian Marshall/Zohar
Ian Ridpath
Ian Sample
Ian Stewart
Igor Aleksander
Ilya Prigogne
Immanuel Velikovsky
Ingeborg Boyens
Ira Flatow
Irving Stone
isaa asimov/lee/leguin ect
Isaac & Janet Asimov
Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asimov/Pohl
isaac mcPhee
J. Bronowski
J.A. Gosling
J.D Bernal
J.I Rodale
J.P. Luminet
J.P. MvNvoy
j.p./oscar mcevoy/zarate
J.R. McNeill
j.r.r. tolkien
Jack Challoner
jack horner
Jack Maguire
Jack Newton
jacob boehme
Jacqueline Carey
Jacqueline Mitton
Jacques Vallee
Jacquetta Hawkes
james d. watson
James DeMeo
James Hoggan
james l./carol grant gould
James R. Holton
James S. Trefil
james trefil
Jamie Jobb
Jane McIntosh
jane/michael hoffman
Janice VanCleave
Janine M. Benyus
janna leviin
Janna Levin
jaques vallee
Jared Diamond
jay d. gralla
Jay Griffiths
Jay Ingram
Jay M. Pasachoff
Jeffrey Satinover
Jeremy Narby
Jerry Dennis
Jerry Lucas
Jesse Bering
Jim Baggott
Jim Glenn
Jim Keith
Jim Robbins
Jim/Bob Lebans/McDonald
Jinny Johnson Ed.
Joan Anderson
João Magueijo
joe rhatigan
Joe Schwarcz
Joel Achenbach
Joel Henry Sherman
Joel Levy
joel r. primack
joesph wallace
joesph/michael schwartz/mcginness
John (ed.) Brockman
john (editor) brockman (editor)
John A. Livingston
john a./vincent day/schaefer
John Alexander
John Allen Paulos
john allman
John Austin
John Barrow
John Barrow/Silk
John Boslough
John Brockman
John Cornwell
John D. Barrow
john e. / timothy r. hay / oke
john G. Taylor
John Grant
John Gribbin
John Gribbin/Plagermann
john h. hodgson
john h. relethford
John Hedley Brooke
John Heinerman
John Horgan
John J. Berger
John Kricher
john l casti
john maddox
John Man
John Maynard Smith
John Ratzlaff
John Strohmeyer
John T. Moore
John Taylor
John Thomas
John Van auken
John Vornholt
John White
Jon Balchin
jon erickson
Jonah Lehrer
Jonathan Miller
Jonathan Weiner
Jonh Morris
Joseph Levine
Joshua Foer
Joshua Morris
Judith Millidge (ED)
julian barbour
Julius Hensel
Justin Pollard
karl/john e./robert lagler/bardach/miller
Kary Mullis
Kate Evans
Kay Kenyon
keith / nick brooke/gevers
keith devlin
ken alibek
Ken Croswell
Ken Keyes
Kenneth Hewitt-white
kenneth r. miller
kevin krisciunas
Kevin W. Kelley
Kim Long
Kim Vicente
Kip S. Thorne
Konrad Lorenz
Konrad Spindler
Kurt Vonnegut
L.Sprague de camp
larie garrett
laurence c
Laurie Garrett
lawrence m. krauss
Lawrence M. Star Trek/Krauss
lawrence solomon
Lawrence Weschler
leif a. jensen
leo enright
Leon Lederman
leon R. Kass
leon/jay m. golub/pasachoff
Leonard Susskind
leonard/james susskind/lindesay
leopold infeld
lester r. brown
Lewis Carroll
Lewis Dartnell
Lewis Thomas
Lewis Wolpert
Lincoln Barnett
Lisa Randall
Lisa Seachrist Chiu
little guide little guide
Lloyd Timberlake
loren Eiseley
Lorraine Johnson
Louisa Gilder
Lucy Jago
Luna B. Leopold
Lyall Watson
Lynne MCTaggart
M. Mitchell Waldrop
Macfarlane Burnet
Machaelle Small Wright
Mae Freeman
Majid Majid
Manfred Schroeder
Marcia Bartusiak
Marcia Bjornerud
Marcus Chown
Marcus du Sautoy
Margaret Cheney
Margaret Kenda
Margaret Sachs
Margaret Weis
Margaret Wertheim
Marianne Gosztonyi Ainley
Mario Livio
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Mark Hume
mark jaccard
Mark Kurlansky
Mark Leiren-Young
marq de villiers
Marshall Cavendish
Marshall T. Savage
Martin Gardner
Martin Gardner ed.
martin keogh
mary roach
Matt Ridley
matthew cobb
Matthys Levy
Maude Barlow
Max Born
md / berman
Meir H. Degani
menas/robert kafatos/nadeau
Mercedes Lackey
Meredith Wadman
Merle C. Coulter
Merlin Donald
Micgael Bliss
michael belfiore
Michael Benton
Michael Brooks
michael e mann
Michael Feldman
Michael Foster
Michael Guillen
Michael Hackleman
Michael Hamburg
Michael Heim
Michael J. Behe
Michael J. Everhart
Michael Pollan
michael posner
Michael Ray Taylor
Michael Schacker
Michael Shermer
Michael Talbot
michael willers
michael/john white/gribbin
michio kako
Michio Kaku
mike brown
mike flynn
Mitchell Beazley
modern biology series modern biology series
Morris Kline
Murry Hope
Nancy Ryley
Natalie Angier
nathan spielberg/ anderson
National Audubon Society National Audubon Society
national geographic encyclopedia national geographic encyclopedia
national geographic national geographic
National Geographic Society National Geographic Society
Needham & Needham Needham & Needham
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Neil Gaiman
Neil Shubin
Neil Turok
new york public library new york public library
Nicholas Campain
Nicholas Negroponte
Nick Herbert
nicolas cheetham
Nigel Calder
Nigel Henbest
Nikola Tesla
nikola/albert/arthur tesla/einstein/clarke
niles elderedge
Norbert Wiener
Olaf Stapledon
Oliva Judson
oliver/thomas montenbruck/pfleger
P.V. Glob
P.W. Atkins
Pantheon Pantheon
Patrick L. Abbott
Patrick Moore
Paul Bahn
Paul Barrett
paul connett
Paul Davies
Paul Devereux / Steele / Kubrin
paul dowswell
paul greenberg
Paul J. Steinhardt
Paul R. Ehrlich
paul roberts
paul strathem
Paul Strathern
pembrooke pembrooke
Penny Le Couteur
pero g. ferreira
pete moore
Peter Bellwood
Peter Coles
peter coveney / highfield
peter d. ward
Peter Duffett-Smith
Peter Gay
Peter Pringle
peter s. ray
Peter S. Stevens
peter/chrisopher/kevin wilson/bamford/townley
peterson peterspn / Schaefer
Peterson/Jay M. Peterson/Pasachoff
Philip J. Currie
Philip R. Holzinger
Philippe Bourseiller
Philippe Taquet
Phillip E. Johnson
Philp Whitfield
Pierre Eymard
Popular Science Popular Science
Professor Keith Simpson
Professor Richard Wiseman
r.m. anderson
r.r. rogers / yau
Rachel Carson
rachell l. carson
Ralph Abraham
Ralph Buchsbaum
Ramachandra Guha
Randall Bills
randall munroe
Randy Alfred
Ray Bradbury
Ray Hemmings
Ray Kurzweil
reader's digest reader's digest
Reader's_Digest Reader's_Digest
regional geomorphology regional geomorphology
Renie Gross
rhona m. black
Ric Careless
ricahrd dawkins
ricard dawkins
Richard Brodie
Richard Cannings
Richard Dawkins
richard dawlkins
Richard E. Leakey
Richard Ellis
Richard Flaste
richard fortey
Richard Grossinger
richard holmes
richard karban
Richard L. Faber
Richard Leakey
Richard leakey/Lewin
Richard Milner
Richard Milton
Richard Morris
Richard P. Brennan
richard p. feyman
Richard P. Feynman
Richard Panek
Richard Rhodes
Richard Rudgley
rick shaffer
Rob DeSalle/Lindley
rob dunn
Robert Adams
Robert Aunger
Robert Becker / Selden
Robert Bone
Robert Brown
Robert Burnham
robert dinwiddle
Robert Doherty
robert e./l. sprague howard/de camp
Robert Gardner
robert harrington
Robert Hunter
Robert J. Stone
Robert Jastrow
Robert Kunzig
Robert L. Weber
robert lanza
Robert Lee Hotz
Robert M. Hazen
Robert M. Sapolsky
Robert Murphy
Robert Oerter
Robert Ornstein
Robert S. Richardson
Robert Silverberg
Robert Sylwester
Robert T. Boyd
Robert Youngson
Robert Zubrin
robin baker
Robin Doughty
Robin Jarvis
Robin Kerrod
Robin M. Henig
Robin Scagell
robin wilson
Roger B. Swain
Roger Lewin
Roger Penrose
ron miller
Ron Nielsen
Ronald Clark
Ronald Kotulak
Ronald W. Clark
Rosemary Jones
Rowan Robinson
roy a gallant
Roy A. Grant
Roy Chapman Andrews
Roy Gallant
Rudi Jansma
Rudolph C. Hatfield
rudolph e. tanzi/parsen
Rudy Rucker
Rupert Sheldrake
Ruth Loomis
Ruth Whitehouse
s. stone
salim t s al-hassani
Samuel C. Florman
Sandra Steingraber
Sandy Barnard
sarah blaffer hrdy
Scherr Scherr
scott c
Sean Carroll
Sharman Apt Russell
Sheldon L. Glashow
Shelley Tanaka
Sherwin Nuland
Sherwood D. Tuttle
Siddhartha Mukherjee
Simon & Jacqueline Mitton
Simon And Jaqueline Mitton
Simon Berthon
simon conway morris
Simon Singh
sky & telescopes sky & telescopes
skywatching skywatching
soren (translated david f. swenson & walter lowrie kierkegaard
Spar Aerospace Limited Spar Aerospace Limited
Spencer Nadler
Spencer Wells
stephan klein
Stephen C. Meyer
Stephen Croall
stephen emmott
Stephen H. Kellert
Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking & stone
stephen hawking ed.
Stephen Hawkins
Stephen Jay Gould
Stephen L. Harris
Stephen R. Brow
stephen strauss
Steve Jones
Steve Lankton
Steve Olson
Steve Perry
Steven B. Krivit
Steven Holzner
Steven Johnson
Steven Rose
steven strogatz
Steven Weinberg
stillman drake
Storm Dunlop
storm sunlop
stuart clark
Sue Halpern
Sue/Richard Nelson/Hollingham
susan conner/kitchen
Susan Meridith
Sylvia Barrett
T.F. Gaskell
Tadashi Miura
tara rodden robinson
ted anton/mccourt
Ted Bogosian
Ted Daeschler
terence dickinson
Terrence W. Deacon
Terry Domico
Terry Pratchett
texas insturments Texas Instuments
Thames And Hudson Thames And Hudson
The Associated Press The Associated Press
theo/dianne/john colborn/dumanski/myers
theodore gray
Thomas Berry
Thomas Crump
Thomas F. Pawlick
Thomas Hester/Graham
Thomas L. Friedman
Thomas Lyon
thomas m. niesen
Thomas Nagel
Thomas R. Berger
Thomas S. Kuhn
tim flannery
Tim Gardom
Tim LaHaye
Tim Robinson
tim/jerry b. lahaye/jenkins
timothy ferris
Todd McCaffrey
Tom Jackson
Tom Koppel
Tom McKnight
Tom Sherman
Tom Siegfried
Tommy Ohlsson
Tony Crilly
Tony Gibbons
Tony Rothman
tpmu seba
trevor paylis
v. turek/marek/benes & brown ed.
Valerie anne Giscard
Van_nostrand Van nostrand
Vicki Cobb
Visible Ink Visible Ink
W.H. McCrea
Wade Davis
wallace j nichols
Walter Cozens
Walter Isaacson
Walter Lewin
Walter Rue
wayne grady
Werner Heisenberg
Wesley Marx
Willard Bascom
William A. Dembski
William Dembski
William Dunham
William F. Nolan
William G. Pierce
William H. Calvin
William H. Matthews
William J. Burroughs
William J. Kaufmann III
William K. Hartmann
William K. Stevens
William Kaufmann III
William M. Bass
william marsden
William N. Marchuk
William R. Goetz
William Rathje
Wolfgang Stuppy
Woo Woo
Zoev Jho
ZZZ A Golden Guide
ZZZ Barron's
ZZZ Black & Conant
ZZZ Chaison/McMillan
ZZZ Consumer guide
ZZZ Diagram Group
ZZZ dk book
ZZZ Dr.Zed
ZZZ eyewitness books
ZZZ Golden club
ZZZ Hamlyn
ZZZ Highgate
ZZZ Kemp
ZZZ Maeterlinck
ZZZ Mind Alive
ZZZ Ontario Science Centre
ZZZ Patents & Reports
ZZZ penguin
ZZZ Peterson
ZZZ Peterson Guide
ZZZ Popular Mechanics
ZZZ Press/Siever
ZZZ Readers Digest
ZZZ Science
ZZZ Simon /Schuster
ZZZ The New York Times
ZZZ The World Book Enclopedia of science
ZZZ time life
ZZZ Zim/Baker
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astromy on the personal computer
Science &
The Natural History Museum Book Of Dinosaurs
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how we got to now
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the complete idiot’s guide to cloning
Science &
the complete idiot’s guide to the sun
Science &
the beginners observing guide
Science &
science meaning & evolution
Science &
genetics for dummies
Science &
a stubbornly persistent illusion
Science &
The mysteries within
Science &
what remains to be discovered
Science &
A brief history of time: a reader’s companion
Science &